Concussion Management Protocols

Concussions and Return to Play Protocol

What is a concussion?  In short, a concussion is a brain injury. Concussions are caused by a bump, blow, or jolt to the head or body. You can’t see a concussion. Signs and symptoms of concussion can show up right after the injury or may not appear or be noticed until days after the injury. If your student athlete reports one or more symptoms of concussion listed below, or if you notice the symptoms yourself, seek medical attention right away from the athletic trainer and/or your family physician.

Signs observed by Parents or Guardians
Appear dazed or stunned
Symptoms Reported by Athlete
Headache or “pressure” in head
Is confused 
Nausea or vomiting
Forgetful with instruction
Balance problems or dizzy
Unsure of game, score, or opponent
Moves clumsily

Double or blurry vision
Sensitive to light or noise

Answers questions slowly Feeling sluggish, hazy, foggy, or groggy
Loses consciousness (even briefly)
Can’t recall events prior to or after hit or fall 
 Just feeling “not right”

Spencerport Central School District’s concussion management procedure states that when a student-athlete has sustained concussion/concussive symptom(s) they must see their Primary Care Physician (PCP) for written clearance to return to participation. This note must be brought to the school and given to the school nurse. Once the note is received the student-athlete will follow the Return to Play Protocol (RTP) by meeting and following the instructions of the certified athletic trainer. They will be instructed to perform light exertional activities, progress to sport specific exercises the following day, non-contact drills the next day, full out practice the following day to be cleared for unrestricted sport participation the next day.  At any time the student-athlete has symptoms of a concussion reoccur they will restart the RTP protocol after 24 hours symptom-free.  

Should your student-athlete sustain concussion/concussive symptom(s) a letter will be sent home by the athletic department outlining the protocol.  The process may sound long but it is very necessary to ensure the safety of your student-athlete. Should you have any questions please feel free to contact [email protected]

Information about the Concussion Management and Awareness Act that took effect July 1, 2012 can be found on the State Education Department's website at 

Additional Resources: 

Visit the link below for additional material on Concussions.  Important articles and information are highlight below as well.

Information on Sub-Concussive Hits: 

Fact Sheet for Athletes: 

Parent/Athlete Information Sheet